Other Local Events

Stroud Local History Society are in their 40th anniversary year, and so are offering members of other local history societies admission to their evening meetings at their own members’ rate – please tell them you are a CPLHG member (only if you have paid your membership since Sept 2024) when booking.

Their next meeting is Thursday 13th March 2025 7.30 pm where SLHS member Jill Shankleman will be talking on Child labour in 1830s woollen mills.  Drawing on interviews with clothiers and workers from local mills to Parliamentary inquiries, Jill’s talk will discuss the work that children did in the mills, the ages of working children and how this changed during the decade, as well as what employers and workers thought about child labour. 

St Laurence Church Hall, The Shambles. Doors open 7.00pm for tea/coffee and chat, talk starts at 7.30pm (ends by 9pm).

Members (and CPLHG members) £2.50 / non-members welcome £4 – pay cash on the day, but booking is essential by email: bookings@stroudlocalhistorysociety.org.uk

Gloucestershire Heritage Hub has the usual ongoing programme of interesting talks, displays and exhibitions.  Some of the talks are online.  See their website here for further details and for booking if required.

Gloucester History Festival’s “Winter Warmer Digital Festival” is still available to watch on “catch-up” until 6 March if you missed the live broadcasts.  You can buy tickets for single events or a pass to cover the whole programme.  For further details and to buy your tickets see their website here